A special time of year...
Somehow, I became old...pretty weird. Most of my friends were out of town for my birthday, as usual because of the date, but I still had fun with the friends that did come!
This is a family tradition...making gingerbread houses. Not the kind that come pre-cooked and cut out for $9.96 at Wal-Mart, this is the real thing! Therefore human error must be taken into account when constructing the structure...which sometimes leads to roofs sliding off, walls caving in, etc. Adds to the challenge! This is me and my sister and one of my adorable nieces keeping the tradition alive!
This is what I got for Christmas...not the AR-15, silly, the 9mm held in my left hand above! Nothing like a little outing with the brothers!
Somehow, I became old...pretty weird. Most of my friends were out of town for my birthday, as usual because of the date, but I still had fun with the friends that did come!
Merilee! I found your bloggity! Yay! How are you? Do you still teach High school? Whats new in your life? Send me your email and Ill add you to my blg...if you want. =)steveandmollysharp@gmail.com
happy birthday!
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