Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sad News/Happy News

Will's mom passed away toward the end of March. :( I didn't know her all that well, but she was always kind to me. I can tell her family came first to her, and she raised some awesome kids! She sacrificed a lot as a mother and wife. Now her health struggles are over, and she is in a place of rest. I know I will meet her in the next life, and I can't wait to get to know her better! This is Will and I at the family viewing. Oh, yeah, we are now "un-oficially" engaged. Ring but no date. Waiting on some clearance details. Ialso accepted a new job making $14K more than I am at my current job, AND the new place values their employees! Imagine that! I think it will be a much better fit for me, and I can fulfill my financial goals!